Birds make freedom look so easy
You can’t force people to love you and you can’t force circumstances – not permanently at least. You have to be in the flow of your higher self. Our souls hold more wisdom and pizzazz than our brains. And our hearts think better than our brains. Scientifically proven, Google that shit, it’s fucking amazeballs. The only time force is required…is…. …say it with me now peeps, never. Never ever. Ever ever? Ever EVER. Let things happen, manifest what u desire. But don’t ram your way through proverbial doors n shit. You’re not a freaking bull. Take it easy and slow the fuck down, because most times we’ve been conditioned to believe that WE know better. But really…Allah knows best. Who is best for us, and what’s in our best interest for everything. It requires faith. Hardest attribute to uncover when we’ve been veiled by fear-based lies too long. It is not impossible though, nothing is. I’m tired now. I bid you adieu. *looks in the opposite direction*