Let’s judge Judy
Society has made such a big deal about the act of sex, that everything else – of heavy or light petting – is less ‘bad’.
Things above the belt is not advisable, but not as heavily frowned upon as sex and blow jobs without a marriage certificate.
I dis-a-freaking-gree.
Firstly, ’tis not your place to judge.
2ndly, if you are judging, then be fair to yourself about it. Take ya damn blinkers off.Tongue to a face, or vagina / penis is not exactly the same thing…I agree. But mostly because we’ve cloaked the nether regions with shame.I’m not saying go on a fucking rampage. Pun intended.
You make your choices with wisdom.What I’m saying is let’s release ALL judgements.The only time we require labels really is for clothing. Then we’ll know the iron temperature so as not to burn the fucking shirt, skirt or dress.