Perplexing complexes
I am a rare breed of diamond. As all other beautiful ladies are. Being multi-faceted doesn’t only complicate other people around me, I confuse myself too. So, ffs’s relax. It’s complicated being a female. One minute you’re hormonal as hell, the next, freaking hungry as ever, and then completely crying over flora adverts. Seriously. I cried when the kids said how much they love their moms, and I mean I’d well up EVERY time i saw that damn advert on youtube. And I’m like, dude, I saw this advert before, I KNOW what they’re gonna say…yet low and behold…my tears would run away with me. I’ve turned into one of them girly girls, that cry over bullshit. What’s become of me. Talking about youtube, wudups with THAT. I mean the entire ad plays…but when it’s time for the actual video I’d requested to play, it wagon wheels. #facePalm